School Story:
One of my funny memories would be a situation that developed in my sophomore year.
One day myself and three other friends were
late for Mr. Goodwins class. He had already his shut door. We had to knock on the door ( a little to hard I might add) to get into class. This inturn upset Mr. Goodwin for disruping his class. So he told us if we wanted a credit in his class, we would have to write 500 times ( I dan wile will not be late for Mr Goodwins class for the remainer of the year)
And with my luck it was due by the next class.
My feinds said, they didn't care they were not going to do it. .
I have always looked for ways too get a good laught in class. So when got home, I got a large roll of paper. Rolled it out on the livingroom floor and began writing. It took me until 10 or 11 O clock to finish all 500 sentences.
The paper was about 30 feet long. ( know lye)
All the sentences were straight across and numbered. The day in class. My friends told me they didn't do there setences. So I told them I wouldn't turn mine in. When Mr. Goodwin asked for the sentences. We stood up and said, We didn't do them. Early that morning I had showed a girl who set behind me in class my sentences. ( her name was Teresa Smith) Before I knew what she was doing. She grab my roll of sentences and took them up and gave them to Mr. Goodwin. He looked at me. Heand said what this was all about. I told him that they were the sentences that he told me I had to write. He looked at the roll took off the rubber band I had around it. With one end in his hand the other end rolled down over his desk and down to the floor and about halfway down the middle asile. This of corsue had the effect I was looking for. Every body was laughting but Mr.Goodwin. He rolled it back up and handed back to me, got the class under control. then started the class. He never said a word.
Later that day he caught me in the hall and asked if still had the sentences. He said, wanted a picture of them and wanted to keep them as a survivor.
unfortunately I had throwed the paper away.